Installation Procedure

Tryton is separated into independent parts:

  • the server named trytond
  • the GTK client named tryton
  • and several modules to extends server capabilities (ie: account, bank, party, project...)

Installation instructions are slightly different depending on whether you’re installing a distribution-specific package, downloading the latest official release, or fetching the latest development version.

It’s easy, no matter which way you choose.

Installing from system distributions

Many third-party distributors are now providing versions of Tryton integrated with their package-management systems. These can make installation and upgrading much easier for users of Tryton since the integration includes the ability to automatically install dependencies (like database adapters) that Tryton requires.

If you’re using Linux or a Unix installation, such as Ubuntu, check with your package manager if they already package Tryton. The Tryton Wiki also contains instructions for installation on several distributions.

Specific packages are available for Windows and MacOSX, which can be downloaded from the tryton download page.


While most packages are based on the latest stable versions of Tryton, if the version you need is not available, you’ll need to follow the instructions for installing an official release or development versions.

Installing an official release with pip

This is the recommended way to install Tryton. The packages are downloaded automatically from the Python package index (PYPI).

  1. Install pip. The easiest is to use the standalone pip installer. If your distribution already has pip installed, you might need to update it if it’s outdated. (If it’s outdated, you’ll know because installation won’t work.)

  2. (optional but recommended) Take a look at virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. These tools provide isolated Python environments, which are more practical than installing packages systemwide. They also allow installing packages without administrator privileges. It’s up to you to decide if you want to learn and use them.

  3. If you’re using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, enter the command sudo pip install trytond at the shell prompt. If you’re using Windows, start a command shell with administrator privileges and run the command pip install trytond. This will install Tryton server in your Python installation’s site-packages directory.

    Similarly, you can install the Tryton client with the command pip install tryton and modules with pip install trytond_MODULE_NAME


If you’re using a virtualenv, you don’t need sudo or administrator privileges, and this will install Tryton in the virtualenv’s site-packages directory.


You might be interested by a list of available modules.

Useful pip command combinations

  • Ensure that PIP is the latest version:

    pip install -U pip
  • Installing the server

    pip install trytond
  • Installing the GTK client

    pip install tryton
  • Installing any module for server

    pip install trytond_MODULE_NAME

    Replace MODULE_NAME with the name of the module. Example below.

    pip install trytond_sale

    remember that it installs the most recent released version, as of this writing that is the 3.2 series.

  • Installing the most recent version from a previous series:

    pip install "trytond_sale>=3.0,<3.1"

    Installs latest version in the 3.0 series

  • Upgrading a module

       pip install -U trytond_sale
    remember that this would install the most recent series which as of this
    writing is 3.2
  • Upgrading within the same series

    pip install -U "trytond_sale>=3.0,<3.1"
  • Upgrade only the module, without any dependencies

    pip install -U --no-deps "trytond_sale>=3.0,<3.1"
  • Installing a module from source code

    pip install /path/to/module/folder
  • Forcefully reinstall a module

    pip install -U --force trytond_sale

Installing an official release manually

  1. Download the latest release from our download page.

  2. Untar the downloaded file (e.g. tar xzvf trytond-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, where X.Y.Z is the version number of the release). If you’re using Windows, you can download the command-line tool bsdtar to do this, or you can use a GUI-based tool such as 7-zip.

  3. Change into the directory created in step 2 (e.g. cd trytond-X.Y.Z).

  4. If you’re using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, enter the command sudo python install at the shell prompt. If you’re using Windows, start a command shell with administrator privileges and run the command python install. This will install Trytond in your Python installation’s site-packages directory.

    Removing an old version

    If you use this installation technique, it is particularly important that you remove old versions of Tryton. TODO: explain how

Installing from source

You can browse the Source Code Repository <> and download source code thanks to your favorite version control system:

  1. Make sure that you have Git or Hg installed and that you can run its commands from a shell. (Enter git help or hg help to test this).

  2. Checkout the development branch of the source code from the VCS (See examples below).

  3. Make sure that the Python interpreter can load the downloaded code. The most convenient way to do this is via pip. Run the following command:

    sudo pip install -e trytond-trunk/
(If using a virtualenv you can omit sudo.)


Don’t run sudo python install, because you’ve already carried out the equivalent actions in step 3.

Official mercurial repos

  • Get server source code

    hg clone trytond-trunk  # For the server
  • Get GTK client source code

    hg clone tryton-trunk   # For the client
  • Get official modules source code

    hg clone MODULE_NAME-trunk

    You might be interested by a list of actual module repositories <>.

When you want to update your copy of the Tryton source code, just run the command hg pull -U from within the corresponding directory. When you do this, Mercurial will automatically download any changes.

Unofficial Git mirror

And up-to-date, but non-official git repositories are maintained on github:

  • Get server source code

    git clone trytond-trunk
  • Get GTK client source code

    git clone tryton-trunk
  • Get official modules source code

    git clone MODULE_NAME-trunk

When you want to update your copy of the Tryton source code, just run the command git pull from within the corresponding directory. When you do this, Git will automatically download any changes.

Preparing Application Servers


Basic Database Configuration

Postgres is the recommended database engine for tryton Install Postgres database. Steps for installing Postgres can be found from Postgres Installation Install the database and give a new password to the postgres database user.