Getting Started

Setting up a development environment

In the previous chapter you have seen how to install tryton client on your machine. Now, lets start with setting up the development environment for tryton.

Steps for setting up a development environment for tryton.

  1. First thing is to have Python2 running on your system. You can check if python is installed by typing python2 in a console window and pressing Enter. If python is not installed, consult your package manager for your operating system. Or go to and select “Downloads” If python is installed an interactive shell will open, printing out version info and >>> You can exit by calling the function exit() or by pressing ctrl+d

  2. Next, Install Posgres database. Steps for installing Postgres can be found from Postgres Installation Install the database and give the database user postgres a new password.

  3. Set up the virtual environment and install tryton client and trytond. You can directly install Tryton using pip command-line tool in your virtualev.

    $ pip install trytond
    $ pip install tryton_module_name

    Replace module_name with the name of the module you want to install

Using HgNested

HgNested is a mercuarial extension used to work on nested repositories. In order to install hgnested you must run:

pip install hgnested

Once installed you can checkout the lastest sources by executing:

hg nclone

This will also clone all the modules in trytond/modules.

In order to run the tryton server you must install all the requirements as described on the Wiki.

After this you can run your server with:


Using virtualenvwrappers templates

The Openlabs guys have created a virtualenvwrapper template to get a virtualenv created with all the required dependencies (except your database drivers).

You can install it executing:

pip install virtualenvwrapper.tryton

You can create a virtualenv with the latest version of tryton running:

mkproject -t tryton virtualenv_name

In the virtualenv you can run your tryton server by executing:


For more information about available templates please refer to virtualenvwrapper.tryton repository

Hello World (in progress)

Almost every Tryton functionality that you are going to develop on a daily basis is enclosed into the modules. In order to get an idea of available modules you should take a look inside trytond/modules. You will view many folders in the modules. Each one comprises one set of facilities that can be installed and will be available to the end users. Some examples are company, country, currency and party.

In order to create your own module, your first step is to create a folder inside the aforementioned directory. In this hello world tutorial we are going to create a simple library control module:

TRYTOND_HOME/trytond/modules$ mkdir library

As our first step, we are going to create the following files:

  • tryton.cfg

Let’s see the contents and purpose of each one in detail:


This file must be present at the root of your module’s directory. It contains the version of the module and a list of the xml files the module contains. Our module does not contain any xml files yet. It may also include a list of the modules it depends on. Later, we will see the correct syntax to include those references.


In the example above, we are stating that this module is meant to be used with Tryton 2.8.0. You can check the tryton.cfg files of the existing modules to view their respective structure.

This file must be present at the root of your module’s directory. It serves two main purposes: it transforms your directory into a Python visible package (according to Python general rules) and it also registers in the Pool the entity classes of the module.

For now, you can think of the Pool as a “in memory synchronized image” of your database, because Tryton follows the so called active record pattern. Tryton takes care of database table creation and of the mapping between the in-memory representation of the entity and the respective columns in the database. It also takes care of the synchronization of the data loaded in your in-memory entities and the persistent data on the database.

Whenever we are building a module in Tryton, we deal with a high-level, object-oriented representation of our entities. Generally, we are free from writing explicit SQL or python-sql instructions, but in order for this magic to happen, Tryton’s Pool must be “aware” of the existence of your entity classes.

from trytond.pool import Pool
from .library import *

def register():
        module='library', type_='model'

In the example above, we are registering the Book class into the Pool. Whenever the trytond service runs, it starts with initializing every module that is installed (more on that in the coming lines), i.e., it performs the regular Python initialization of packages. That means the execution of the code contained inside the

If you are unfamiliar with the package initialization, you can think of it as performing an analogous role as the __init__ method inside a Python class, but, in this case, it performs initialization tasks semantically relative to the whole package.

This file must be present at the root of your module’s directory. According to a domain model, it contains the entity classes.

If your domain model is a commercial enterprise, your domain model would contain entities such as SaleOrder, Product, Customer and so on. Our tutorial here is proposing a library domain model, where you would expect to find Book, Author, Publisher, etc. A domain model encompasses real world objects that your software solution is expected to deal with.

In our tutorial, we are going to have a simple Book model. It has some fields associated with it: title, isbn, subject, abstract.

Each field has a Type. This type determines many aspects and behaviours of the application. For instance,

  • Char field will be created as a Char Varying column inside the database.
  • Text field will be displayed as a large text box in the Tryton Client window and so on.

In order to know every field avaliable, you can consult the API reference.

from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields

# list of all classes in the file
__all__ = ['Book']

class Book(ModelSQL, ModelView):
    # description
    # Internal class name. Always used as a reference inside Tryton
    # default: <modules name> + . + <class name> on Tryton
    # and on database <modules name> + _ + <class name>
    __name__ = ''
    title = fields.Char('Title', required=True)
    isbn = fields.Char('ISBN')
    subject = fields.Char('Subject')
    abstract = fields.Text('Abstract')

In our example we have defined four fields in the class. Tryton will automatically create a table in the database called library_book, consisting of nine columns: the four defined above and another five that are present on every column of the database:

  • id
  • create_date
  • write_date
  • create_uid
  • write_uid

The first column is the surrogate primary key of the table. The following ones are self-explanatory, and are created for auditing purposes. In general, we should not worry about those columns, because Tryton takes care of them for us.

After creating the directory and the three files above, the trytond server should be started using the following flags:

TRYTOND_HOME/trytond/bin/trytond -d NAME_OF_THE_DATABASE -i library

The -d flag indicates the name of the database and the -i flag indicates that the module library should be installed.

When you login into the Tryton client after the above procedure, you are not going to see any changes yet, because till now, we have netiher defined the windows (views in Tryton’s parlance), nor we have defined the menus or actions to open those windows.

If you access the defined database, you are going to see the the aforementioned table created.

What we have done so far: We have created a module, we have installed that module inside Tryton server, we have defined an entity class and Tryton has created the corresponding table in the database for us. All that with no more than 20 LOC total! Awesome!

Creating Menus

Now we have to make the user interface for our module. We need to create a menu, a menu item and the windows to be able to input and access data.

First we are going to create, on the root of our module, a library.xml file. This file must be listed on the tryton.cfg file, as we have mentioned before. So edit it:



Next, lets edit the library.xml file so it will contain the declaration of our menu and its respective menu item (submenu):


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <menuitem name="Library" sequence="0" id="menu_library"/>
        <menuitem name="Books" parent="menu_library" id="menu_books"/>

Observe that this file is a regular xml file. So it starts with the ordinary xml version declaration at the top, and it has as its master element the tryton element, followed by a data element. The other elements will all be children of data

In the xml file above we have declared two menuitems. The first one, named Library will be placed on the root menu of Tryton client. Observe that it has, besides the name attribute, a sequence, that indicates the position of the menu, and an id, that must be unique. This id will identify this element to the rest of the software. It will be placed on the root menu because it has no parents.

The second menuitem, named Books has another element: a parent element, which points to the id of the former menu (id=”menu_library”), indicating that it is going to be nested on the first one.

Let’s update the Tryton Server, installing the new modifications:

TRYTOND_HOME/trytond/bin/trytond -d NAME_OF_THE_DATABASE -u library

Notice, now, that we have changed the flag from -i (install) to -u (update) to be in accordance with the fact that the module is already installed and only need to be updated.

Let’s also restart the Tryton client now. Remember to start it with the -d (development) flag, so it can update the cache and show the changes we have just made:

TRYTON_HOME/tryton/bin/tryton -d

When you log in again on the client, you are going to see that the menu Library and the submenu Books have been created.

But the menus do nothing yet. We have only declared the existence of the menus, but we have not yet declared the actions those menus execute.

What we are going to do now is to create an action that will be triggered by the submenu Books. The first menu Library will trigger no action, because we want it to be only a summary menu. The books menu, though, will open the windows where we are going to input and browse the books records.

Creating Reports

Add the following line to the file ‘library.xml’ into the /data tag :

<!-- First thing: define the report itself,
model: Target-Model
report_name: the report class' __name__
report: template ods-file
<record model="" id="report_library">
    <field name="name">Book</field>
    <field name="model">library.Book</field>
    <field name="report_name"></field>
    <field name="report">library/book.odt</field>
<!-- Second we register a keyword
(so we can call the report from tryton client) -->
<record model="ir.action.keyword" id="report_library_book">
    <field name="keyword">form_print</field>
    <field name="model">,-1</field>
    <field name="action" ref="report_library"/>

Now create the file book.odt inside your module. In this file add the following lines by adding a placeholder in your odt file.

<for each="library in objects">


placeholders can be inserted in libreoffice by pressing ctrl+f2 functions -> placeholder -> text

In case you are dealing with ods file. For adding a placeholder you have to add a hyperlink.