
What is a domain ?

Domains are sets of search criteria. They apply constraints on the model that is searched so that only a sub-set of its instances are valid regarding the domain.

You can consider a domain as a filtering expression for your target model. This is an example of a very basic domain:

[('amount', '>', 0)]

This domain will filter all records whose amount field is greater than 0.

A domain clause is the building block of a domain. A full domain combines multiple domain clauses, as well as the OR and AND operators. Domain Clause:

('field_name', 'operator', value, <optional parameter>)

The ‘field_name’ part of the domain clause is much more than just a field name. It is possible to chain fields, in order to apply contraints on a Many2One fields. For instance,

('', '>',

is a valid domain.


Though it is theoratically possible to chain fields at will, be carfeul that you will still be limited by the database performance. Usually, more than two chains (i.e. field1.field2.field3) should be avoided if possible.

Domain (the AND operator is implicit between domain clauses):

[domain_clause1, domain_clause2]
[domain_clause1, ['OR',
    [domain_clause2, domain_clause3],

Domain Usage

Domains are everywhere in tryton. As soon as you need to limit the result of a research on a model, chances is that you are going to need a domain.

Relation Fields

All relation fields (Many2One, One2Many, Many2Many) support domains. Setting a domain on a relation field means that the value(s) of the field must comply with it in order for the record to be valid. For instance:

party = fields.Many2One('', 'Party', domain=[
    ('name', '=', 'John')])

It is now mandatory for all instances of the model in which this field is defined that its value’s name is ‘John’.

In administrative tools

Some of Tryton’s internal models use domains: * Views * Act Windows * Rules

See the dedicated documentation for details regarding their usage. .. TODO : Link this to the actual documentation of views / act windows.

Anywhere in the code

When using, the first argument you need to pass is a domain. Almost all the queries that you will write will (and should) use the search method associated to a domain. Directly building queries through python-sql, though possible, should be restricted to the case of complex queries. For instance, aggregate accounting queries would be way to inefficient if they used the domain pattern as the search function does not provide aggregate functions.

Advanced Domains

Domains support a lot of advanced features which make them very flexible and adapted to a lot of needs.

Usage of Pyson

Using Pyson in domains is supported. This is awesome. This allows you to create dynamic domains depending on, for instance, the value of the current record field. The context is evaluated as well when computing the domain, so it is possible to use the active_id in domains set on views.


When using Pyson, be very careful to know what field_names are those of the source record (and thus will be evaluated), and which one just represent the field names of the target model.

Tuning a domain clause with Pyson:

('amount', If(Bool(Eval('active')), '>', '<'), 0)

The above domain clause behaves as follow: if the field ‘active’ of the current record is True, it will accept all target model records for which the field ‘amount’ is greater than 0. If ‘active’ evals to False, it will accept records for which the ‘amount’ is less than 0. This gives you a wide range of possibilities to define precisely the domain you need for what you want to do.

Using Pyson to dynamically set the search value:

('product.category', '=', Eval('category'))

Here, product.category is the field on which the domain clause should be applied. category is the current record’s category field value.

Tuning a full domain with Pyson:

[(domain_clause1, If(Eval('active'), domain_clause2, domain_clause3))]

You can enclose whole domain clauses in Pyson. A typical use case is to test whether the record’s id is set, or if we are working in the scope of a company.

Using the context:

('company', '=', Eval('context', {}).get('company', None))

Limiting the target record to one which matches the current company is usual, here is how to do this.


Function fields may be used in domains. That is the purpose of the searcher keyword argument in fields.Function. This argument refers to the name of a function (the searcher function), which transforms a domain_clause using the function field in a database compatible clause.

For instance, let’s assume that the model we are working on has a function field whose value is the first letter of a Char field. The searcher function will then look like this:

def search_my_function_field(cls, name, clause):
    return ('my_char_field', clause[1],
        clause[2][0] if len(clause[2]) else '')

We are basically forwarding the clause from the function field to the actual char field. We convert the operator part of the clause to only use the first letter of the search value to match the function field definition.